
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fresh Fake Cordycept Soup

Most of us have seen the dried cordycepts but not many have seen the fresh and fake ones. The dried ones looked like dead caterpillars but the raw ones don't really look like one except for the sectioned body.

I've seen the actual plant of the fresh fake cordycept in Cameron Highlands but have never seen those that grew the dried ones. The dried ones which come from China is very costly but the fresh ones is rather cheap. I found them in Tesco and saw some of the stalls in the markets sell them too.

It is said that the cordycepic acid from cordycept Sinesis found in the dried cordycepts can relax the bronchia and strengthen the adrenal glands. They are normally used as health supplement food thus the high price.

 Fresh Cordycepts



  • 250g Fresh fake cordycepts

  • 2.5L Water

  • 300g Spare Ribs or Chicken pieces

  • Some Wolfberries

  • 8-10pcs Red dates



  1. Heat water until boil and add in the spare ribs or chicken pieces and let it boil for a few minutes.

  2. Toss in the cordycepts and red dates and let it come to a boil before switching the flame to low. Boil for 1.5 hours.

  3. Add in the wolfberries before you switch off the fire.


  1. your soup looks so good. too bad we don't have those fake fresh tong choong cho here. :(

  2. wah! I never see a fresh cordycept before!! I think i prefer to use the dried one, look less scary than the fresh one!

  3. I actually grew some fresh fake ones last year. Didn't know they were fake until we looked around on the internet and found that the real ones can't be grown. It's actually plant that grew out of a worm... Do you know if the fake ones have any good medicinal properties? Or bad ones?
    We've been dranking lots of soup made from this fake stuff!

    Hi Win,
    I'm not too sure about any medicinal properties in these fake worms :)
    Guess I bought it as it reminded me seeing them grow in Cameron Highlands (Malaysia)
    years ago. As for the taste, they are definitely not as good as the real stuff but
    those cost a bomb these days!
