
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Accidental - Cranberries Muffins

Last Sunday we did not go any where to shop except to Tesco for groceries shopping. So I have quite a bit of time and since I still have a block of Golden Churn in my fridge, I decided to bake some cupcakes. Initially I have wanted to bake the Nutella cupcakes but I changed my mind when I saw a Blueberries muffins recipe on the recipe leaflet that came with my Blue Key Self Raising Flour.

Then, half way through, Darrius woke up from his nap and was rather cranky. He refused to play on his own or with PiggyBeng so I brought him into the dining room and let him sit there watching me. He was making lots of noise and insisted he wants to play with this and that.

Lousy me, get so distracted and I ended up not putting the eggs into the batter! And that was not all. I even mixed them on the wrong sequence and ended up just dump in everything and mix! And guess what? The muffins turned out lovely!

So, here sharing with you my eggless Accidental - Cranberries Muffins!




  • 300g (2 3/4 cups) Self Raising flour - sifted

  • 150g Castor sugar

  • 15g (2tbsp) Milk powder

  • 30g (5tbsp) Honey

  • 120g (1/2 cup) Butter/margerine

  • 50g Cranberries - chopped to smaller pieces

  • 165g (3/4 cup) Water

  • 3g (1/2 tsp) Vanilla Essence



  1. Mix sugar, milk powder, margerine, flour and honey together till well mixed.

  2. Add in water and vanilla and mix till all blend in.

  3. Add in cranberries and put into muffin pan and bake for 20-25 mins at 180 degree celcius.

  4. Removed from oven and let it cool on rack



  1. [...] Then when I put it on our dining table only did I realised the tablecloth we had is so old and yucky! I should have get a new one but it did not cross my mind then. And for the cupcakes… you can get the recipe here. [...]

  2. eggs oso can ah? how's the taste??

  3. Amah,

    The taste not bad wor... a bit wet but overall ok.

  4. What a healthy recipes, shall try it out, thanks

  5. Rachel,

    I think your kids will like these.... the berries are good.
